Missing node.deleted in branch master (sometimes)

So, today I’m testing the new feat, and the delete events for some contents still seem to go missing. At first I only got for 4 out of 13, then only the leaf contents (testing publishing and unpublishing two 13-elements trees). Later on I got all 13 events, but shortly after just 4 again.
I started recording when the listener receives a push/update or a delete. The image are all contents that were published (these events seem to be always correct) but “weren’t deleted” (events missing).

Right after the delete events, I get all 13 updates from branch draft. The event log is the listener’s first line and it’s registered for node.* and localOnly is set to true.

The content tree after the unpublish.
Captura de tela de 2023-04-20 10-32-31

Is it possible a listener misses events if it’s busy and still running by the time the event is triggered, or perhaps any other way? Since I have DB operations in this listener, I can only guess there’s some sort of race condition issue going on there.

Edit: the customer just complained the event-dependent notification they expected for an important content tree never arrived after unpublishing it.