XP8 changes and features - we need your input!

Sorry if there’s too much requests. I was also thinking about #4 and image formats and thought webp format would be also great to have, since it one of the best quality-size ratio in images nowadays.

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This probably isn’t a breaking change, so I suggest you just create a new thread and tag it with Features

A feature request:

EpiServer have a nice feature where URLs to internal content are automatically detected and changes from “Normal URL” to “Content URL”. It would save us quite some time fixing this on content where the editor have done this the wrong way and also have the obvious benefit that it will make links more robust.

Is this a feature you have considered?


Another way to name controllers is using upper case http verbs (like SvelteKit has started with):

export function GET() {

export function DELETE() {
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A feature I miss in content types, is a way to relate two inputs. That an id of a content, selected in a content selector, can be used in a custom selector, in the same form (without saving the content).