Clear content object

Enonic version: 6.14

Hi there! I wonder if it is possible to clean content object from removed attributes?
E.g. I had an xml file with attributes that were removed after changing the model but the content is stored in the objects and I’d like to remove not needed information from the objects. Is there a cleaner method or functionality? Or I should make a script that would do this clean job?

Thanks in advance.

You would need to script it.

Thank you!

And is there a way to clean history?

Are you thinking of older versions?

If you want to remove versions, you could use Data Toolbox app to export / delete / re-import your content, then only latest version will be kept.

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@tsi, yes

@rfo, thank you!

Hi Nat,

It’s worth nothing, that while these data might be visible to a developer, they don’t impact performance of XP. Deleted contents will leave blobs after it, these can be cleaned up using the Vacuum tool from Market. Aand as Thomas say, you can script to clean up content objects, and as Rune say, you can dump and load without versions to “reset” a developer site.

We will keep working on tuning this (what change will create new version, APIs for accessing versions, etc) over time so keep an eye open in our release notes for improvements for these issues!

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@bwe hi!

During development it’s okay. Same as having huge amount of versions of an object. But after deployment to prod it would be nice to do (if not clean the data content) is to clear versions. Along with that I’ve been thinking about huge storage. What is the main reason that the repo becomes so huge? So, I supposed it’s 'coz of the versions.

Anyway, I’m following your news and releases :slight_smile: It’s always thrilling of what you’ve come up to.

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