Hello bhj
thank you for response. We have 2 environments - staging - production. Staging is for testing and preparation of the new features. The 2 environments run on different VM. All (XP, client app - angular, services) are running in dockers.
XP docker
I have gitlab-ci file for building and staring XP server in docker. Inside the gitlab-ci is variable with the XP version. The file builds the XP docker image according to the Dockerfile. Here is all file structure including the scripts used by the Dockerfile - I think, I got them somewhere from you (Enonic). The docker image is then started by docker-compose file.
If I upgrade / downgrade XP I just change the parameter XP_VERSION in gitlab-ci file. Then I build the image and start it. So the XP server runs from the scratch, just the volumes are permanent.
The problem was, that we used XP 7.8.1-2, with the Content studio 4.0.2 - but it was buggy. See here. So I decided to upgrade the XP (7.9.2) when it was available :-). Then I realized the problem with connection in Staging so I downgrade the version of XP to 7.8.5, 7.8.2. then I upgraded back to 7.9.2.
Now there is running 7.9.2. version. Today morning I found out the connection problem remains even without VPN luckily just on the Staging. Unfortunately I haven’t created data dump!!
What do you recommend?