In wintertime we are in utc +1
In summertime we are in utc +2
If you edit a entry that has a selected date that is in wintertime or select a new date in wintertime, the utc indicator in the picker should reflect that. Today the indicator only shows utc based on the current date, not what you are selecting. And this is confusing and can make people think that there is a bug, when it actually isn’t.
Example ( selected date is in wintertime, picker says its utc +2 ) :
I agree with this idea - it should make it easier for a user to set the correct time, based on local context.
Or, we can just wait for the governments to get rid of summertime/wintertime
I’m facing a strange issue with timezones and DateTime inputs. When I enter a date in the current timezone (+2 summertime), it displays correctly in the input box. However, after saving, it switches to the target date’s timezone. If the target date is in wintertime (+1), it shows as +1 in Content Studio. But when I save it again, it interprets it as today’s timezone (+2), causing it to save an hour earlier each time.
We are working on fixing it. This problem only occurs when you set a future date-time, which has a different summer/winter time than what your client is currently using. Content Studio does not handle this properly ATM