Enonic CLI installation with snap permission errors

Enonic version: 1.1.0
OS: Ubuntu 18.04.1


I’ve just noted while learning about development with Enonic that the Enonic CLI when installed with snap (found here) presents some errors on deploy and start my first web app, shown below.

The other methods (binary and deb install) seem to work fine.

Hi, thanks for pointing this out. At first glance I cannot figure out what is wrong. Maybe the snap permissions are not sufficient. I will have to setup a VM and install Ubuntu on it to test this so I can figure out what is wrong. I will get back to you.

In the mean time just use the other install methods that you mentioned.


I managed to replicate the problem. I have opened an issue on github to fix this problem: https://github.com/enonic/cli-enonic/issues/193