Enonic XP 6.10 has been released

Enonic is proud to announce another version of Enonic XP with many improvements and new features!

This version allows users to undo deletion. There are also improvements to the HTML editor, publishing wizard and bulk selection, and many other changes that should make working in Enonic XP even more fluent than before. Read more about the new features here: http://xp.readthedocs.io/en/6.10/appendix/release-notes/index.html

For a full list of all changes, see: https://github.com/enonic/xp/releases/tag/v6.10.0

Enonic XP 6.10.0 can be downloaded from our website: https://enonic.com/downloads

We hope you will really enjoy this release. Please join the discussion below and tell us what you think.


Please notice: 6.10.1 has already been released. For sites running in production, upgrades should skip 6.10.0 and go directly to 6.10.1. Read more here: Enonic XP 6.10.1 has been released

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