Enonic XP starter template for Visual Studio with Typescript


If you are like me and feel like a cripple without Visual Studio and Resharper this might interest you. I have created a Visual Studio template for Enonic XP with typescript. It is based on the Enonic XP app starter kit with support for TypeScript, however I have also created definition files for the XP lib (“xp/portal”, “xp/content”, etc ( the definition files in the repo namespace and interfaces located in xp.d.ts)) and integrated gradle deploy in the project build.

Link to repo


Cool, could this be a visual studio starter kit or similar?

Well yes i think it is :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is a quick demo of how to setup a new project in Visual Studio and use an item template and an Resharper template



Great work @krelde. This seems different than a starter because of the VS setup. We will create a new section on market for tools and add your VS tool. No ETA currently.