Error sending a message


I’m trying to implemet the mail library and I follow this documentation

However when I’m going to send the email I get this error:

10:21:34.712 ERROR c.e.x.p.i.e.PortalExceptionMapper - com/enonic/xp/mail/MailMessage
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/enonic/xp/mail/MailMessage

I’m not sure what is the error because I set the dependences and I configure the “com.enonic.xp.mail.cfg” file

Thank you for your help

Are you sure that you have XP version 6.1.1 and have the library included in the dependencies section of the build.gradle file?

dependencies {
    include 'com.enonic.xp:lib-mail:6.1.1'
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Hi Michael

I update the enonic cms to 6.1.1 and it works. Thank you for your help

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