Highlights from PAB 2017-03-10


Our long awaited PAB meeting was held on friday and we did a lot of planning work. Here are some highlights from that meeting.

Enonic XP 6.10 (upcoming release) has the following features (in addition to Highlights from PAB 2017-02-10):

  • Undo pending delete in Content Studio
  • Warn user when switching page templates
  • Warn users when moving content outside of sites
  • Extra confirmation for deleting a site

In the rest of Q1 we are going to focus on the following features.

  • Named tasks
  • Selector - Path in search
  • Thymeleaf render options

We have pushed some of the wanted Q1 features to Q2. The reason for this is that we are heavily developing a showcase PWA app for this quarter. The top Q2 features are:

  • Save as Page Template
  • In progress state
  • Status (New + offline)
  • Publish requests (Issues)
  • Content approval
  • Publishing policies and site roles
  • Root controller for application (main.js)
  • Image selector - Larger pictures
  • HTMLArea/Text component - Choose image size
  • Admin Localization
