Import external content

I want to parse a RSS feed and import data into content store.
Can you guide me in the right direction on how to accomplish this?

Enonic version: 6.4.x

Hey Mathis,

You could try:

  1. Use ** http-client library** (!/module-lib_xp_http-client.html#.request) to get the content from the rss feed.

  2. Use lib content to save the XML as a unstructured document or use API to convert RSS to JSON and then save the json

I would have wrapped it in an REST service ( for easy use



Thanks, Runar. This is a huge step on the road. I would like to automate the process, e.g. daily import different RSS-feeds into contentstore, checking if content exist etc.

How do you recommend solving the automation?

How about a CRON job to send a request to the service URL?

Can you set up Enonic to run CRON jobs for you? If so - how? There should probably be some kind of simple API for registering CRON tasks imo - I can think of tons of use cases already :sunny:

Think Michael is simply referring to good ol Linux cron here…

We will however deliver a “native” cluster-safe XP CRON equivalent with API’s in the not too distant future :grin: