Enonic version: 7.14.4
OS: Win11
Hi! I’m new to Enonic, so I don’t have many legs to stand on here. Maybe I’ve made an error somehow, but the issue is as follows:
I’m doing this tutorial stable - Enonic Developer Portal, and everything goes well until I have to use query in this file:
import {APP_NAME_UNDERSCORED} from '@enonic/nextjs-adapter';
const getPerson = `
guillotine {
get(key:$path) {
... on ${APP_NAME_UNDERSCORED}_Person {
data {
photos {
... on media_Image {
imageUrl: imageUrl(type: absolute, scale: "width(500)")
attachments {
parent {
_path(type: siteRelative)
export default getPerson;
The problem is that “bio” causes the following error:
1 error(s) when fetching data from: (localhost stuff)/site/intro/master
- errorType: ‘ValidationError’,*
- message: “Validation error (SubselectionRequired@[guillotine/get/data/bio]) : Subselection required for type ‘RichText’ of field ‘bio’”,*
- locations: [ { line: 7, column: 11 } ],*
- validationErrorType: ‘SubselectionRequired’*
“bio” is also highlighted in the query playground, so the intellisense reports the same issue.
If I just remove bio from the query, the page renderes fine, just with the data missing ofc.
Am I doing something wrong, or is there a problem with the tutorial?