Issue in using simple Id provider

Enonic version: 6.12.2
OS: Linux

There is problem while using simple Id provider for authentication.

vhost mapping is : =
mapping.www-xyz-se-extranet.source = /extranat = /portal/master/xyz-se-extranet
mapping.www-xyz-se-extranet.userStore = extranetuser

As it seems, the base url for this site will be “”

But while we do logout, or Forgot password url gets changed each time to “” . ( with some _/idprovider/… after that). And then it stops working.

Note: “” and “” there are two different sites we have.

I tried to reproduce your situation (I did it on the latest Enonic XP though, I will try with a 6.12.2 later) but still have the correct URLs.

So if I understand correctly:

  1. You go to
  2. The site “xyz-se-extranet” is forbidden so the login page is displayed
  3. You click on “Forgot your password?”, enter the mail and click “Reset”

But so what is wrong now?

  • Is it the link received in the mail that is wrong?
    Is this link… or… ?
  • Or is it when you update the new password
    Do you then get redirected to… or…
  • Or is it now that you are now logged in and you click on “LOG OUT”?
    Do you then get redirected to… or…

Yes, your understanding is correct.

Reply to question 1: The link received in the mail is correct. its “”

Reply to question 2: When I submitted the “Password reset” form with the email id, it is redirected to “” and I am unable to login anymore. If I try logging in, I will be redirected to “” which is wrong.

Another error:
Once we have received the email to change our password, we get a correct link to rest the password. when we submit the form with new password we get “Logout” button. When we click on that, we are redirected to “”. We are unable to login after that.

Reply to question 3:
When we use “logoutUrl” to create a link and logout the user, from web page it does not work. Once we are logged out it will route us to “” which won’t work.
( We have sixed it though using “logout” method in a service and calling that instead of logouturl. But would be nice to get the same fixed in id provider.

I understand the problem now.
The problem happens on redirection from already opened tabs, after having logged in/out, and when the site is forbidden

I will create an issue about this. Thank you for reporting the problem. :+1:

Not sure, but is it something which can be fixed soon?

We have a production issue, and would it need soon.


It is now solved in the version 1.2.1 of Simple ID Provider.
But it required a bug fix of a 6.13 Enonic XP library.

So you will have to upgrade to Enonic XP 6.13.1 to use this new version


Thanks a lot. It did work after the upgrade.

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