Last week at Enonic - 2017, week 50

Last Week

Christmas, and soon the end of this year, is closing in. A lot has happened at Enonic and with Enonic XP during 2017. And we are very excited for what 2018 has to bring! The people that joined our “6.12 on 6th of December” event learned a lot about things to come, we hope you’re as excited as us.

I’ll be pausing the Last Week postings until the 8th of January. This issue will be a bit slimmer than usual too.

Last week saw us entering feature freeze and bug-fixing mode for XP 6.13. So far so good (without jinxing it). A first 6.13 beta was built and pushed to our repo while the rest of the world saw The Last Jedi. Well, to tell the truth we also saw it. Mixing business and pleasure =)

If nothing fails horribly, 6.13 will be released to all of you in time for Christmas! We’ll announce it first right here in the forums.

Happy holidays!

PS. Don’t miss our certification 80% discount using the XPMAS code until the end of the year!

Yours truly,

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