Last week at Enonic - 2018, week 11

Last Week

6.14.1 is now out. Upgrade is not needed but recommended, find out about the details in the “Enonic Releases”-section.

Our team is working on multiple things, as well as XP 6.15. One thing is a cool chat bot and PWA demo, to be released on the Market shortly. It uses the RASA Core AI backend, and runs on XP. Also in the works is the Live Trace admin tool for licensed customers, it can track anything happening in the XP backend and show you detail statistics of which component, websocket-call, etc, that is responsible for taking time.

Here’s a gif demo of the chat bot:

We also hope to land the new Developer Portal very soon, it will bring all our documentation into one handy portal, with full search capabilities, and introducing guides! Guides will introduce you to different Enonic XP functionality in a step-by-step maner instead of just listing all the parameters you can use for each function.

I guess many developers know what “Headless CMS” is, but if you’re not sure, and also want to learn what a Decoupled CMS is (and why that is even better than headless in most cases) check out the article Headless, or Decoupled CMS: that is the question!.

Stay in touch here in our forums and on our open Slack channels.

Enonic Releases

We released 6.14.1 last week, it fixes multiple minor issues with XP, especially in the Users admin tool. For a full list of all the issues addressed, read the changelog on Github.

Keep reporting bugs here in the forum and on our Github page for XP.

Keep yourself updated here in our forums.

Enonic Market

Enonic Market had these updates last week:

Dictaphone PWA 1.0.0 - Progressive Web App! Record short voice memos on your mobile device - even when you are offline - and watch them instantly synchronise with your XP storage.

Security Headers 1.0.1 - Disabled security headers in preview mode.

Auth0 ID Provider 2.0.1 - Migrated to support Auth0 2018 standard API. Remember to set the new field “Allowed Web Origins” in your Auth0 Client Settings before upgrading!

Further reading

Here’s some interesting articles that surfaced last week, related to Web Development in general.

iOS 11.3 PWA demo - Enonic’s Thomas testing out the latest iOS update and some PWAs. Looks like iOS is finally catching up on PWAs!

Funkify - disability simulator - The Funkify Chrome extension let’s you simulate websites as viewed/used by persons with different disabilities.

Stats bonanza for developers - Stackoverflow 2018 developer insights released and contains loads of interesting information. The platforms developers mostly dread working with are SharePoint, Drupal, Salesforce, and Wordpress. Sharepoint “wins” the list by getting almost 72% negative feedback from developers having to work with it.

Send me a private message if you happen to stumble over something interesting this week.


The following events are planned so far:

Webinar - 2018: The year of Progressive Web Apps 21st March - What are PWA? Live case studies and how they increase conversation rate.

Government Computing 2018 19th April - We’ll be in London for this event.


We provide professional training for developers, editors, and marketers. These training events are coming up, but more are available! Need custom training, or training on other dates, or other locations? Contact us!

Don’t forget to certify yourself as an XP developer!

See you next week!