Last week at Enonic - 2018, week 26

Last Week

Last week we welcomed our third partner to reach “Premium Solution” status: Item consulting. Congratulations to Item! On the web site front, yet another XP web site was launched last week - the Delphi funds was developed and launched by Storebrand.

6.15 is in full testing, we’re currently on Release Candidate 1 meaning we’re fixing the last few bugs before release. We’re planning a RC2 during this week, meaning a stable release is not to be expected this week. If you have a test-server up and running, it is wise to try and test it on your data since 6.15 will contain a few major features and changes that might impact your installation. Head to our repo and grab the latest 6.15 distro.

Checked out our blog yet? The latest article there - Guide to Enonic Market - is brilliant for the ones of you that want to learn more about Enonic Market, how it works, what apps to use, and so on.

This is the last week before summer holidays, have a nice summer and we’ll be back reporting “Last Week” in the end of July/start of August.

Stay in touch here in our forums and on our open Slack channels.

Enonic Releases

Be sure to take Release Candidate 1 of 6.15 for a spin!

Keep reporting bugs here in the forum and on our Github page for XP.

Enonic Market

Enonic Market had these updates last week:

wsUtil 1.1.1 - This library by Item Consulting extends the Enonic XP web socket library with additional features to make socket integration easier to handle on both the server and the client side.

Further reading

Here’s some interesting articles that surfaced last week, related to Web Development or the web in general.

Send me a private message if you happen to stumble over something interesting this week.


The following events are planned so far:

No current events.


We provide professional training for developers, editors, and marketers. These training events are coming up, but more are available! Need custom training, or training on other dates, or other locations? Contact us!

Don’t forget to certify yourself as an XP developer!

See you next week!