Last week at Enonic - 2019, week 10

Last Week

It’s not only a last few very freezing days up here in Norway, we’re also in the middle of feature freeze for Enonic XP 7. This means it is possible to download and run it (with some developer experience and nerd-skills). Our repository now has multiple new builds (as we’ve changed the build-system in XP7). You’ll see enonic-xp-generic and a lot of enonic-xp-XXX-YYY where XXX is either windows, mac or linux and YYY is either sdk or server. You’ll want the build for your machine and OS, and developers should go for the sdk build (it bundles the correct JDK!), while devops and cloud engineers should go for the server build (doesn’t bundle JDK). Be aware that Content Studio now needs to be downloaded and installed separately. If you want to try to upgrade an app for XP7 you could have a peak at our work-in-progress developer portal explaining what you need to do to upgrade your XP6-server to XP7 and what to do to upgrade your XP6 app to XP7. But be aware this is work in progress and you’ll be on volatile grounds doing this.

Last week we also passed 600 concurrent XP-servers running. With current acceleration we’ll hit 1000 before the end of the year.

Psst! Know any Java-masters? Send them to our career-page.

Enonic Releases

Our latest release is Enonic XP 6.15.6!

As always, we appreciate feature requests and bug reports here in the forum and/or on our Github page for XP.

Enonic Market

Enonic Market had these updates last week:

No relevant updates.

Further reading

Here’s some interesting articles that surfaced last week, related to the web in general (not only development).

Send me a private message if you happen to stumble over something interesting this week.


The following events are planned so far:

No current events.


We provide professional training for developers, editors, and marketers. These training events are coming up, but more are available! Need custom training, or training on other dates, or other locations? Contact us!

Don’t forget to certify yourself as an XP developer!

That’s it for now. Stay in touch with us here in our forums and on our open Slack channels.

See you next week!

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Thanks for the update, and it really looks like XP is catching on. Something I don’t understand is why graphs need to have a background image. Graphs do very nice without any background at all. When I see graphs with backgrounds it feels like some powerpoint oversell from the 90-ies. Graphs do fine without a background. I’m really happy with your progress, keep up the good work!

BR Preben

Only for you @preben - the image is updated :slight_smile:


It would be nice if you could provide a graph without any noice in the background wathsoever, so I hope you will provide this. The purpose would be to use it in other settings to increase implementations of XP.

BR Preben

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Thank u, I was too late with my comment :slight_smile: thanks - the graph has been populated throughout my org (40+ developers views right now, expect it to be 100+ on monday)