Migration issues

Our team ran into a little problem when merging two servers together.

We have one production server where users insert content to it (They have inserted a bunch of data already) )and a dev server where we improve and test the application.

The problem is that we need to merge both together without losing any data from production server and not break the site with new improvements made in dev server (new content-types, attributes, removed unused code, etc …)

How can we install the new version which is in dev server in production without losing any existing data?

Do you guys understand our problem ?:grin:

Thx in advance.

Enonic version: 6.4.0
OS: Ubuntu 15.10

First of all I would like to point out that two “masters” is not a best practice approach when building sites.
How you solve this would depend on how much the changes overlap

Anyway, I would recommend you to export the repos of both installations and run a filesystem diff utility and then merge the structures.

Finally, import back the merged structure.

Hi tsi

thx for your reply.

“First of all I would like to point out that two “masters” is not a best practice approach when building sites”. Yeah, we are aware of that, however we do not have any other option at the moment.

Well, we had a discussion earlier on and I think we are going to have a service where imports all objects (this is been done already) from their server and this way we can merge with our dev server and do the tests. We have to come up with some strategy for mapping these objects (JSON format) to merge both masters. But we are still discussing it.

Again, thx for your suggestion. I will keep you up to date on that.