Multi language site

Enonic version: 6.9.0
OS: Elementary OS Loki (Ubuntu 16.04)


We are having a site that should be translated in English and Norwegian. Is there any best practices or advises on how to do this? Creating another site is not preferable.


Essentially, you could simply make a structure no/ and en/ under the site, but there is in particular one reason why creating another site is the best approach at the moment and it is related to page templates. Since page templates may contain language, and the templates are automatically applied to matching content-types you might get some challenges here.

NB! We are working on different approaches to handling this within a single site for future releases.


We are having the same discussions for our upcoming company site. It will have .no and .se sites, that’s a no-brainer.

A few parts of the site are going to be translated to English, but far from everything. We’re thinking of linking the content on the no/se sites that has English counterparts using a simple ContentSelector in site.xml.

We’re not going to have a separate English domain. One thought is to put the English site as a site within the Norwegian site.

Norway: /no
Sweden: /se
English subsite: /no/en

By adding it as a subsite I notice that it gets its own set of menu items, and its own templates. But I suspect that it does have some side effects to add it as a sub site, instead of just building a “normal” structure (not a site) under /no/en.

Do you have any advice around this? Any thoughts are welcome.

Right now there are a few simple guidelines in terms of multilingual sites, and the main driver for how to handle this relates to page templates.

  1. Page templates are content and may contain text in a specific language.
  2. At the moment you may only place page templates at the root level of your site.

In practise this means that if you create 2 page tempaltes (no + sv) for the same content type the user will have to manually select the right template every time, which is not ideal.

Given these limitations, the default way to handle multi language is by creating one site for each language. If you want to create a hierarchy of sites, use the top site for a “global landing page” to select which country you want to go to, but nothing more.

Future versions of XP will deliver new powerful language handling, including the ability to create “clones” of content, for instance for use in different language versions. There will also be capabilities for inheriting application settings in the hierarchy of sites too.

Be careful when linking across sites, the first thing you need to make sure is if you want the “reused” document to have a local url or not. If it is just to be listed within another page, no problem.