New Market updates

Enonic Market has received some new updates:

  • Robots.txt v4.1.0 now supports caching of the robots.txt file via cache-control header.
  • Google Tag Manager v1.8.0 now supports multiple containers for Google Tags. Thanks to Bouvet for this new feature :raised_hands:
  • ImageShop v2.0.3 from 99x :raised_hands: now supports setting images in parts, similar to its functionality for content types
  • Storybook v1.1.1 from Item Consulting :raised_hands: now supports templates from libraries
  • NTB import v1.1.0 now supports multiple sites. Again, Bouvet contributed the new feature here :raised_hands:

I just want to give some extra kudos to @vih who implemented that latest features in the NTB import-app! :clap:

She provided an upstream PR to a project that wasn’t owned by her company, thus helping out the entire community!

This is what I love about open source! You rock @vih ! :metal: