Notes on using these forums

Welcome to Enonic discussion forums. We are glad that you found your way here.

You can use these forums to ask questions about any of Enonic’s products, share tips and tricks you’ve learned with your fellow users and keep up to date on the latest news in our News forum.

If you’d like to propose a category to add to the forums, aren’t sure quite where to start or have a suggestion for how we can improve these offerings, head on over to the Meta category and get in touch!

Last but not least, if you’d like to share long code snippets, error messages, log files, etc., please create and share a link to a GitHub gist in your thread. Gists are much easier to read!

That is strange. It does not appear to be pinned for me. - When viewing the two other topics in the Meta category, I see nothing of this topic or the pinned post. However, it does show as “pinned for me” on the top of this topic.

Pinned means that it occurs first in the topic list in that category. Nothing else.