(RESOLVED) Missing app breaks all the stuffs

Enonic version: 6.4.1

I deleted my old version of the app-open-graph, installed the new app-metafields app, and now I can’t open my content locally.

The content, which was based on a template called page, shows this error:

I tried to open the template, and got the same issue.

I deleted all my templates, to create new ones - and I still got the same error.

How do I fix this?


Turns out the old app was still set as a dependency to the site. Removing it fixed all the stuffs. Perhaps a better error message could be added?

Jup… Error message could be better - how about:
“The application ‘com…’ required by the site is not available”

How about:

The application 'com...' required by the site is not available. 
Make sure all sites specified in the site configuration are installed 
in the application panel.

More specific error messages saves lives. <3 http://open.bekk.no/en-blog-om-log

I guess you mean

“Make sure all applications specified in the site configuration are installed and started?” :slight_smile:

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Hehe, yeah something like that!