Setting a default site language

Enonic version: 7.2
OS: Ubuntu


I’d like to know if it’s currently possible to set a default language for a entire site (root maybe).
This questions relates to a client that would like to have a default language value when creating content, so if s/he forgets to set it, it’d be alright. This impacts on the client’s site metadata, since s/he uses SEO. Of course this feature would be much appreciated on other projects as well.

Marco Thome

I’d like to know if it’s currently possible to set a default language for a entire site (root maybe).

So, for a site or for root?

You can set default language for a site already now, and then any new item you create in this site will automatically inherit the site’s language.

For root it’s not possible as of now, but in the next version 7.3 we’re releasing the long awaited Content Project feature which will enable setting a default language for the entire repository and then whatever content you create in the root will inherit the project language.

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Oh, by root I just meant a site and its children, but also changing the existing objects (at least the ones without a lang specification).
By saying that it’s possible to set a default language now you mean on Enonic’s last version? If so, I’ll report it right away so we can update our production version.

7.3 is not released yet, but in final stages

Also, the new feature will not change the language of items that are already created without one.