Something is polling a service in Content Studio

I don’t have the XP running but something in Chrome is polling Content Studio every few seconds and it won’t stop.

Every time I run one of my Spring Boot applications that default start on port 8080 these two requests start coming in




This stoppes when I close all the Chrome instances and start immediately when starting Chrome. Even if I don’t have any tabs open. Just the Chrome splash screen. Very annoying! How do I make it stop? A reboot didn’t fix the problem either

I thought maybe it would be some service worker but I’ve removed all the services workers I could see and the only ones left are the ones from my different Chrome Plugins

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Did you figure it out?

It sounds very strange. Firstly, both of these requests are sent by Content Studio. Secondly, both go via Websockets. Does it ring any bells?

In theory it could happen if you are running Content Studio somewhere in a background process or if browser with CS crashed but websockets didn’t close properly. Neither of these make sense if you are saying that it occurred after complete reboot.

It has stopped now after a few more reboots but I have no idea why :smiley:

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