then calling getComponent() will return an object of a generic Component type. It’s a union type of more specific types (see declaration here). It doesn’t have the config property, because not all component types have the config property: Page, Layout, Part do, while Text and Fragment don’t.
So, you cannot simply access the .config property, you need a type guard. If result of getComponent() is of either PageComponent or LayoutComponent or PartComponent type, then you can access it, otherwise not.
Oh, now I see that I have to import it from '@enonic-types/core', I wasn’t finding the PartComponent from the enonic-types because I didn’t know that. Thanks!
Since we are already discussing about typescript in react4xp, when I use in my .ts controller file, I get Cannot find name 'log'.ts(2304) in the log variable. Is there a way to fix this too?
@Alan@Cwe I think maybe the different types for components (PartComponent etc.) should be re-exported from "/lib/xp/portal" in the same way that Content is re-exported.
To use getComponent() in a meaningful way with TypeScript, you basically always have to import the correct Component type to use as a generic, so it would make architectural sense to be able to do that import from portal-lib.
current way:
import { getContent } from "/lib/xp/portal";
import type { PartComponent } from "@enonic-types/core";
as suggested above:
import { getContent, type PartComponent } from "/lib/xp/portal";
If you are using TypeScript in your project, you should checkout this gradle-plugin I made that generates TypeScript-types based on the XML-files in your project.
It integrates nicely with the TypeScript-types of XP (which I was involved in the making of).
Like in this case, it can now look up the shape of the component based on the string name of the type.