Under load website works slower

Enonic version: 7.13.4
OS: Linux

We have basic cluster and enough resources: CPU - 64, 200 GB RAM.
Now we have about 70 req/sec and website’s speed became lower.
There is no big RAM and CPU load.
How to fix website’s speed under load (keep it high)?

Usually it takes 1s to load
But under load of 70 req/sec it takes 9s :frowning_face:

How many servers in your cluster, and what does each vm look like.

Do you know the load metric of each server (not cpu usage)

Btw, your thread number does not look healthy here

Ah, it also says you have just 1 node. That is not a cluster setup.

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Are you running a single node with 64CPUs and 200Gb ram?

Thanks, I didn’t notice that there is only one node :slightly_smiling_face:, ок, I’ll check

In our setup, we currently never use more than 8vCPU/32G nodes.

How many users can support single node 8vCPU/32G?

Depends on what you build, and how the users use the solution - anything from 1 user to 100000…

It basially boils down to how fast every request is, and how many requests every user triggers per second.