Using "planned publishing date" - how to avoid it getting published

Enonic version: YourEnonicVersion
OS: YourOS

For example, I set the time like this:

And I have changed the text on an article. But in my experience, planned published changes like these have made it out to the site too early several times. Either we are not using this function correctly, it is not working as expected or maybe other elements above it in the structure have been published taking this item with it.

Anyone else have any best practices or advice to give me? Thank you for reading.


Hi Lars. When you set a publish from, and click “Schedule” - the scheduled time of going online is stored on the content item, and it should never be available before this time has passed.

You can verify the status by looking at the details for the scheduled item:

What is important to notice is that this only works for the “initial” publish, the scheduling does not apply to modified item. So, if you modify an item, and try to schedule again - changes to modified items will instantly go live, but any new items in this publish will be scheduled. With our current approach, changing the “publish from time” would take a modified item offline until the new publish time - and this is not desired.

Since you may batch publish items in content studio (both new and modified), the UI may be a bit confusing - even though it says modified items will be published instantly.

In an upcoming release, we will change how this works - so each “scheduled publish” will be created as an issue - where both modified and new items will comply with the schedule of the issue.

Ok, we need to be able to set up scheduling to items that are already published, but needs changes published at certain date. I was sure this was already possible. I look forward to the update. Do you know when this function will be updated / upgraded?

It will be implemented after we release XP8, which has ETA 2025