Following the example with countries in the documentations I’m trying to create a form to create countries on frontend. I have created the form below as a part:
I’m not sure how to write the js behind that form and how to assign it to this form. I read projects like dictaphone and office_league but I don’t get very well how they work. I can’t find any simple example in the documentation or on the Internet. Could someone help please?
What you seem to be missing is a controller. The controller can be implemented through Javascript directly in the controller that renders your part (or optionally as a service).
As this doc states , you should implement the follwing to accept a post request: = function(req) {}
That should handle the form submission. If you really want to create editorial content based on user generated data you then need to use the content library to create the data. I believe you will find an example (that might not be best practice, but it is at least an example of how this can be done) in the “comment” feature of the superhero app:
NB! If you are posting to the content API, remember it will default to the repository and branch in context, as such you should explicitly specify that you want to write to the draft branch (and optionally publish the item) in order to avoid inconsistency.
Jorge, just make sure that you really want to create your content using the Content API vs writing to a repo using the node API. This would be the recommended way of handling user-generated-content.
What I really want to do is to write and send files to a repo using the node API. I had all the pieces but I wasn’t sure how to connect them so I decided to play around with a more simple example like posting a simple form using the Content API.
How can I tell the form that it has to use the post method in the javascript behind? As I can’t debug and the intellisence doesn’t tell much, how can I know what I have to post? I’m not sure if I’m posting everything I have to post. I checked other examples, I understand it but they use different variables and as I can’t debug or inspect what i have it makes it really hard to know if I’m doing the right thing. Could you advise please?
Hello Jorge,
usually you say in a form what method to use or in ajax form what method to use and in controller you create or export.get method to work with.
In the example @tsi has given the link to there’s a form tag with post method.
var portal = require('/lib/xp/portal'); // Import the portal library
var thymeleaf = require('/lib/xp/thymeleaf'); // Import the Thymeleaf library
// Handle the GET request
exports.get = function(req) {
// Get the country content as a JSON object
var content = portal.getContent();
// Prepare the model object with the needed data from the content
var model = {
name: content.displayName,
// Specify the view file to use
var view = resolve('country.html');
var postUrl =;
// Return the merged view and model in the response object
return {
body: thymeleaf.render(view, model)
}; = function(req){"this is a log test");
Multiple issues here, but try creating the postUrl inside the model object, and instanciate it with the portal function componentUrl() rather than…
Ive been following the same approach than in hero app. (but as you said it’s not a good a practice). I’ve read the whole documentation and I haven’t found any information or example that helps with posting a simple form.
An answer here would perhaps be a bit too long. There’s quite a few details I need to explain to make a form post work. But let’s try to keep it simple.
Enonic XP relies on you using the exports. keyword inside your controllers. A controller is basically any JavaScript-file. This export-thing lets you listen to different types of requests (like GET, POST, etc). The most common one is in XP .get. Meaning you’d do something like this: exports.get = function(req) { /* loads of code */ }. That code in there will run when that particular request hits the controller. In one controller you can export multiple types! So, one get for rendering the form (setting the form action URL using portal.componentUrl) and one post for receiving the post.
With all the form data is inside the req object sent as a parameter into the function. Inside it, you’ll find .param with all fields. Use to dump the entire req-object and look at it. The docs have a handy overview of it too -
I should mention that this really is just some frontend-code. Besides URL used to submit, it doesn’t have any ties to Enonic as such, and it could have been written differently. Also, the code is a bit old-fashioned.
Xp-forms is under development, and will handle all of this a lot more fluently, while also being less coupled with Enonic XP. (It will be a React-app both in admin and frontend) Not sure when it will be done, but I will resume work on it next week.